Spring Play

Tentative Rehearsal Schedule

Tech Sign Up Form (to fill out make sure you are on your school account)

London. On a rainy evening in 1913, linguist Henry Higgins has a fateful encounter with an impertinent Cockney flower seller. When the girl shows up at  his laboratory the following day, the haughty and impulsive Higgins makes a bold wager with a colleague: employing his mastery of language he will transform Eliza Doolittle from a rough street urchin into an aristocratic lady in just six months’ time. And so begins Eliza's halting metamorphosis … but what will become of the poor girl once this “experiment” is over?

Thank you all for auditioning! While everyone who auditioned will receive a roll in the show, Miss Post and Mrs. Meert would like to invite the following students back to read for Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins:

Victoria Smith

Allison Hoyt

Katelyn Brott

Xavian Meadows

Noah Lehman

For Callbacks: 

Available Roles:

Directors: Amber Meert (ameert@sturgisps.org) and Li Post (rpost@sturgisps.org)