VISION | A Clark Park which embraces everybody and enhances the health and happiness of its neighborhood.

MISSION | Partner with the neighboring community and with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation to maintain and enhance the physical aspects and cultural opportunities of Clark Park. 

STRATEGY | Friends of Clark Park implements its mission through volunteerism, partnerships, innovative programming, advocacy, and financial support.

University City District (UCD) was founded in 1997 by a partnership of world-renowned anchor institutions, small businesses, and residents to improve economic vitality and quality of life in Philadelphia's University City. Our primary mission is community revitalization. We work within a place-based, data-driven framework to invest in world-class public spaces, address crime and public safety, support small businesses along our commercial corridors, connect low-income Philadelphians to careers with employer partners, and promote job growth and innovation. Every day, we work to change places and change lives.

Studio Bryan Hanes is a landscape architecture and urban design studio that creates socially and ecologically sustainable spaces through timeless yet innovative design. We strive to create places that enrich the human experience and express an artful celebration of the everyday.  We draw inspiration from the dynamic processes of nature while engaging the complex social issues of the urban contexts in which we work.  

Founded in 2008, SBH is based in the Callowhill neighborhood of Philadelphia, PA.  

We facilitate collaboration working closely with architects, engineers, urban planners, and often with local community groups looking beyond the boundaries of any single discipline. Our portfolio of work and active community outreach reflects our commitment to the public realm as we continually strive for spaces with ecological integrity and social purpose. We believe that strong, clear schemes, expressed with thoughtful restraint, refined detailing, and lasting materials which provide functional accommodation and aesthetic richness, offer a platform for timeless civic environments.  

We are actively involved in teaching landscape architecture and design, and model our studio on an iterative academic design process that emphasizes exploration and experimentation.

SBH has received numerous honors including awards from the PA/DE ASLA Chapter, AIA, Urban Land Institute, International Downtown Association, U.S. Green Building Council, and the Sustainable Sites Initiative.