
Elementary Science

Elementary Science is developed through direct experiences followed by discussion and reflection.  Teachers gather student questions, explore phenomena, and help students draw conclusions.  The primary literacy skills of reading, writing, and speaking and listening are developed in the context rich opportunities of investigating and explaining the natural world.  Key areas of investigation are shown below.

Kindergarten Topics 

       Pushes & Pulls

Weather and Climate

First Grade Topics 

Plants and Animal Traits

Space Systems Patterns and Cycles

second Grade Topics 

Plant and Animal Relationships

Solving Problems with Properties   

third Grade Topics 

Structures of Life

Water & Climate

Motion & Matter

fourth Grade Topics 



Soil, Rocks, and Landforms  

Fifth Grade Topics 

Living Systems

Earth & Sun

Mixtures & Solutions 

Ellen McDonald                          

K-12 Math & Science Coordinator EllenMcDonald@wlcsd.org 

Jennifer LaCross                                                            

K-12 Math & Science Instructional Coach jenniferlacross@wlcsd.org