Career Ready

Students at WFISD can be Career Ready! Students that attended CEC courses could graduate with licenses or certificates that make them Career Ready. Students may want to continue their education at a trade school to obtain a license, certificate, or associate's degree to enter the workforce quicker than attending a college or university.

Whatever path our students choose, the College and Career Office is here to help and prepare our students for their life after Hirschi High School!

WFISD Career Education Center

The CEC provides training in the following areas:

  • Automotive Collision, Automotive Technology, Electrical Technology, Welding, Agriculture Science, Horticulture, Floral Design, Ag Facilities and Design, Vet Assisting, Equine Science, Construction, Architecture, Cosmetology, Audio/Video Production, Graphic Design, Marketing, Business, Education and Training, Counseling/Mental Health, Culinary Arts/Hospitality, Criminal Justice, Health Science (MA, CNA, OT/PT, Pharmacy Tech, and EMT), Information Technology (PC Maintenance, Networking, Programming), Engineering

Many students can graduate with a license or certificate.

Trade Programs

Trade Schools allow students to attend school for less time, and graduate with a certificate or license. Students can then enter the workforce.

Resume Packet - Sr Folder.docx

Resume Building

Students will need resumes while applying for both colleges and the workforce.

Job Search

Entering the workforce does not have to be intimidating. Utilize resources such as Workforce Solutions of North Texas.

Career Coach

Use this assessment to explore possible career paths.