How to help

Thankfully, is already trying to help. They give the money people donate to other organizations who help conserve their habitat and the Red Panda. This helps a lot because the Red Pandas will then have a safe habitat and life. To donate, you first go to Then, you click the red donate button in the top right corner. After you do that, just put how much you need to donate. According to, ”Red pandas play a critical role in the conservation of the Eastern Himalayan broadleaf forest.”  If you donate, just that small amount of money goes towards helping the endangered Red Panda.

Besides just donating, there are many ways you can help the endangered Red Panda. One way is just to spread the word, and let people care about it more. This could continue, and you could let a lot of people know about it. This could maybe make people feel sad, and they will then try to help the Red Randa. According to,

“ A good thing to do is not use as many bamboo products, or anything Red Pandas eat.” This is a good way to help, because then the Red Panda can eat and not be limited to small amounts of food. If we all help the Red Panda, it might not go extinct and it could thrive its habitat.

There are many different ways you can help the Temperate Forest, most of these things are very easy to do, for example; you can pick up trash if you live near a temperate forest, or if you are visiting one. One of the many things you can do to help is ride a bike for short distance travels instead of being dropped off, according to it says, “ There are many things you as an individual can do to reduce your carbon footprint: Drive less.” This means even though you’re a 5th grader, you could ride your bike more often for short-distance travels or just to get around (maybe instead of driving to your friends' house that is not far, you could ride a bike). The main reason this is helpful is because gas from cars is messing up biomes like the temperate forest, so if you were to ride a bike, that would be a small step to helping. Another thing that’s extremely easy to do is just to inform others. By doing this, others can be aware of what they can do, and maybe you can show them. If we all helped by doing these things, it would be fantastic as less gasses ruin beautiful biomes like the temperate forest.

Riding bikes for short distance travels is a good thing to do!

Spreading crucial information about the temperate forest is very helpful!