How can you help?

Here is a quick time-lapse showing how the arctic sea ice has changed over the years

Ways to Help

There are lots of different ways that you can help save the arctic. You could donate to an organization that works to help save the arctic, like, Greenpeace works to make environments around the world cleaner, healthier, and safer. Another way you could help save the arctic, could be by reducing your use of fossil fuels. Unfortunately, not everyone on this planet would reduce their use of greenhouse gases, although you could still make an impact, even if it’s a small one. You could also do other simple things like conserving electricity, and not wasting food and water. On the website, it says “If you’re wasting less food, you’re likely cutting down on energy consumption,” which helps prevent global warming. If we all do our part in saving the arctic, hopefully, this beautiful region can last longer.