What Can YOU Do?

The Sumatra and the Sunda Tiger are both in danger but how can we help? Well, there are multiple ways people can help. One thing you can do is donate. There are lots and lots of sites that help protect the Sunda Tiger. One site is International Tiger Project . You can choose to donate either 35, 90, 185 or 370 dollars. Of course, there's more than just donating. You can always recycle, renew and reuse. Lots of things can be recycled. Instead of throwing it away, how about you recycle? Old toys, books and clothes can be donated to places too. One more thing is encouraging. What are you encouraging you may ask. Well, encourage family and friends not to buy products that are harmful to the environment. Some things that do harm the environment are disposable plastics and products made from palm oil (which is destroying the Sunda Tiger’s habitats.) If we all take part and do these things, we can make a world of difference!