The Atlantic Ocean

Did you know that the Atlantic Ocean produces the most of the world’s fish?

Well if not now you do!! According to, “The Atlantic is the world’s second largest ocean and covers more than 20% of the Earth's surface.” The Atlantic Ocean separates Europe and Africa from North America and South America ( If you are located near the equator in the Atlantic ocean the temperature is about 82 degrees fahrenheit but, if you are near the polar regions it is usually 28 degrees fahrenheit ( My favorite fact about the Atlantic Ocean is that the name Atlantic means “sea of atlas”. The first Greek poet who used the word Atlantic in 600 BC was called Stesichorus (

Some predators in the Atlantic ocean include the Great White Shark, Lionfish, and the Manta Ray. White sharks are the largest predatory fish and are extremely powerful. The Lionfish is very venomous, so if an animal gets stung it can get paralyzed. When manta rays whip their tails they can leave a pretty painful lash. Some prey that lives in the Atlantic ocean include forage fish, squid, shrimp-like crustaceans, shellfish, brittle stars, and sea urchins ( According to,"The Atlantic produces much of the world's is. The ocean is also a source of many minerals. Large deposits of oil, natural gas, and coal are found in the Atlantic. In addition, many cargo ships use the ocean as a trade route." Some special adaptations the marine animals need to live in the ocean include camouflage,defensive behavior, reproductive strategies, contact and communication, and adaptations to environmental conditions like temperature, light and salinity (

Did you know that the Atlantic ocean is home to lots of marine life? Sadly, a lot of the species in the oceans are going extinct. Some of those include Sea Lions, Humpback whales, Green sea Turtles, Dolphins, and more ( ” Global warming is causing sea levels to rise, which threatens coastal population centers ( According to, “We all rely on the ocean. We eat fish from the ocean, we breathe the oxygen it gives off, we feel the warmth of its huge currents. Without healthy oceans, humans can’t survive.” If the ocean was destroyed then all the animals in it would go extinct forever. Soon clouds will stop forming and rain will stop falling. And when we have no more water left all the plants and animals on the surface would die.