
  Amazingly, the rainforest gives us almost 20% of our air (environmental news). Many cool animals live in the rainforest, such as big cats, eagles, snakes, and more. But with all the predators, there must be some prey monkeys, small snakes, and more. It is not the easiest thing being in the rainforests because you need to be alert and fast to you can catch your prey or not be caught. Like I said before we get lots of air from the rainforest but we have also discovered many species from here and there are more to be found.

  The amazon rainforest is one of the biggest biomes and if we destroy it will be destroying the biggest rainforest. (statista.com) The rainforest is so threatened because we are chopping down trees at a fast rate. This is devastating because the rainforest gives us so much but we are just destroying it. If we were to destroy the rainforest we would be destroying one of our primary air sources. So how does it make you feel knowing we are destroying our primary air sources?

 In one year we have destroyed 4.8 million acres of land if we keep at this rate there might not be any left. (sentientmedia.org) One of the main reasons it is being chopped down is that people are trying to build houses get wood and more.  According to earth observatory.NASA, If we keep up at this rate within 100 years the rainforest will be gone. The rainforest is thought to be the lungs of the planet and that goes to show that the rainforest is important and we need it. If we destroy it that will lead to long droughts.