
Isn’t it amazing how Jaguars camouflage in the rainforest? Jaguars can stay camouflaged because of their spots. The Jaguar lives in the Amazon rainforest. Did you know that Jaguars once lived as far north as the Grand Canyon? (National geographic kids) It lives alone, not with a group because they have territory that spans up to 100 miles. It stays with its mother for about 2 years. An interesting fact about the Jaguars is that some are black with no spots.

The Jaguar is in a lot of danger from deforestation. This creates habitat loss for the Jaguar. According to National Geographic kids, there are only 15,000 Jaguars left in the wild. This may seem like a lot but think about it, every 100 miles is a different Jaguar territory. That is 1 Jaguar every 100 miles! 

Jaguars are endangered and thankfully is already trying to help them. 

Government agencies are protecting jaguars so that fewer die from habitat loss ( This is helpful because jaguars are dying because of deforestation. They have been successful because in the future jaguars will be in Argentina again (

How would you feel if your friends and family were dead and your home is gone?