Polar bears in the arctic

According to https://www.worldwildlife.org/ polar bears are the largest land based carnivore on earth! Sadly climate change is ruining their homes and we are losing many polar bears. Male polar bears can weigh more than 1000 pounds! According to https://www.pbs.org/ polar bears have 2 thick coats of fur to protect them from cold waters and cold land temperatures. The polar bear will live on land mostly then hunt for animals in the sea. A cool fact: The sun shines and reflects off their fur making it look white.

Did you know that the arctic is 60% sea? According to https://www.washingtonpost.com/ the arctic is losing 1.2 trillion tons of ice per year! The sun rises once and sets once every year. The arctic is near the top of the earth around Canada and Greenland. The climate as you should know is a tundra with freezing temperatures, icebergs, and only plants in the arctic sea. There are many hills and icebergs covered in ice and snow. A cool fact is the arctic only averages around 10 degrees in the summer. (https://nsidc.org/)

Top picture- Iceberg in the Arctic.

Bottom picture- Polar bear swimming.

2 polar bear cubs in their den.