Why we need polar bears and the arctic

The arctic can help researchers predict what climate change could be like according to https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/. Climate change is warming up the arctic which is melting the icebergs. Melting the icebergs will lead to rising sea levels. This is very bad for homes near beach areas. If the arctic was destroyed there would be no more polar bears and the arctic ecosystem would fall apart without them.

Would you be happy if you were losing your homes? NO! So help save the arctic! According to https://polarbearsinternational.org, “There are only 23,000 polar bears left in the world.” They are threatened due to climate change. This really worries me, just imagine losing your homes! If polar bears become extinct the arctic food chain would become a mess. If your homes were getting destroyed everyday, would you do something? Stand up and help fight for polar bears!

If polar bears weren't in this food chain everything would go wrong.

The arctic is melting due to climate change.