The Ice bear in the arctic

Did you know that according to Wildlife), “Almost half of the fish caught in the United States comes from here making fisheries vital to local livelihoods.” The arctic is very small. But it’s still 16,000 km and located in the North pole. This place is a tundra, and a tundra is the coldest biome in the world, and with extreme temperatures that go down to -65°, that is definitely right. The Arctic may be a place filled with ice and snow, but in reality, it includes the peaks of the Brooks mountain range in western North America, the enormous Greenland ice sheet, the isolated islands of the Svalbard archipelago, the fjords of northern Scandinavia, and the grassland plateaus and rich river valleys of northern Siberia. Well, with all of this, the arctic looks cool in front of other landmasses, and even with the harsh conditions, I think it’s cool that people live there, 4 million and more to be exact.

Did you know that, says in a Polar bear’s perspective,“Although my fur appears white, it’s actually transparent. My hollow hair shafts reflect light much like ice does, making me appear white or yellow. Beneath my thick coats, I have black skin that better absorbs the sun’s warmth.” The polar bear is the largest bear in the world, being 9.8 eight feet long, and 900-1600lbs. A polar bear is a bear and it’s white like snow, but we know it’s not actually white now. Being the apex predator of the arctic, it’s meals are fish, small mammals, birds, eggs, vegetation, and of course, it’s favorite, ringed seals and/or bearded seals. With all of this, my favorite fact is probably the fact that their skin is not actually white, because it will dumbfound so many people, it’s just funny.