How to help

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There are lots of ways you can help the Arctic and polar bears. According to, you could donate money to this website to help polar bears. Now there are some ways anybody could help. You can try cutting down your carbon footprint by not using electrical and gas appliances so often (Are you hot? If so, turn off or close anything that gives off heat instead of switching AC on. Are you cold? Wear a jacket instead of turning on the heater!), because this will reduce how much carbon dioxide goes into the air, make the earth even more hot, and melts the ice caps. You can also hold public events to spread news and make other people do the thing you want them to do, like blogs, videos, websites, and other kinds of events, and this will be helpful because only 1 person cannot stop this crisis, a very big group has to agree with you in order to stop this, and spreading news will make them do the right thing. If we all participate in this, we can and will succeed in saving polar bears and the Arctic.