Why they are Important

Did you know that the tundra is one of the most needed biomes? The tundra is a very cold place, but it is very important. The tundra has so much wildlife and species. It plays a massive role in balancing the temperature. It absorbs the carbon dioxide from the environment and decreases the chances of the effects of carbon emissions. Also according to lisbdnet.com the tundra produces resources and minerals such as gemstones, diamonds, precious metals, coal, zinc, nickel lead and iron zore. If the tundra wasn’t there the world wouldn’t be the same because the earth would be unhealthy. I feel that the tundra is one of the most important biomes.

Did you know that polar bears are one of the most needed animals? Just like the tundra, polar bears are also very important. They keep biological populations steady and balanced because they are apex predators in the arctic. If polar bears are unhealthy then that means that the ecosystem is in trouble. If something happens to the Arctic then the rest of the world can be in trouble. According to worldwildlfie.org polar bears also are important for the cultures and economies of the people in the arctic. If polar bears weren’t living then the world would be in trouble.