
A man walking through the tundra!

Did you know that the tundra’s ground is frozen all year long? This is called permafrost. According to duckster.com the ground stays frozen for the 8 long winter months. The temperature can reach -60 degrees fahrenheit during the winter season. In the middle of summer the sun can stay up for 24 hours and can reach 50 degrees fahrenheit. There aren’t many trees or plants because of the harsh environment, but there are many animals such as polar bears, arctic foxes and seals. The tundra is a desert because of the very small amount of precipitation. Can you believe that?

2 baby polar bears relaxing in shelter!

Did you know that the polar bear is the largest bear in the world and it is incredibly strong? According to worldwildlife.org polar bears are the apex predator. They can swim 6 miles per hour! Polar bears live in the arctic and since it’s tremendously cold there, polar bears have 4 inches of thick white fur. Under the white fur there is black skin. Can you believe that?