How To Help The Galapagos Region

Thankfully, there are already efforts to try and protect the Galapagos. According to, people are trying to talk fishermen out of overfishing. Worldwildlife helps, ¨implement a new ecotourism based model to both support conservation and improve people's livelihoods through collaboration with partners, government and communities.¨ This will help protect the marine ecosystem and ecotourism will help reduce over tourism and it is smart to work with other big companies and the government to further proceed in this process. An organization to donate money to is the Charles Darwin Research Station in Puerto Ayora which is a research donation foundation that helps research the Galapagos and that might help protect the ecosystem by finding ways to use less fossil fuels and pollute less ( All you have to do is go to and select ¨donate¨. Then you select your amount and if this will continue every month and click ¨donate¨ again. On the websites 

But donation isn't the only way to help. According to and, you can find some ways to help protect the Galapagos like:

These are all ways to help stop climate change and global warming which is a big problem in the Galapagos in both the marine and land ecosystems by increasing the water level, unpredictable weather patterns and more. Another thing you could do to help is save electricity. By doing this you are cutting down on your fossil fuel usage. Specific ways to help save electricity are 

Not throwing things away helps because trash sometimes ends up in the ocean where it might wash up to the shores of the Galapagos and sometimes, trash is toxic to certain animals ( This could end up saving animals all around the  world. If we all took part in these ways to help, animals and plants in the Galapagos might still be able to thrive and survive but nothing couldn't happen with people that are around the world like you.