How To Help The Galapagos Penguin

Thankfully, is already trying to help. “People are trying to talk fishermen out of fishing.WWF helps implement a new ecotourism-based model to both support conservation and improve people's lives through collaboration with partners, governments, and communities” ( This is helpful because WWF is trying to make people stop fishing and making a model to support conservation. An organization to donate money to is the Charles Darwin research station in Puerto Ayora. You should donate here because they research the Galapagos and it could help the ecosystem reduce less pollution and less fossil fuels I would feel sad about this because the Galapagos is in danger without our help and many species could go extinct like the Galapagos penguin and many more.

There are lots of other ways you can help the Galapagos penguins. You can help the Galapagos penguins by helping stop global warming ( This suggestion is helpful because one of the Galapagos penguins' threats is global warming. Another way you can help the Galapagos penguin is to respect green spaces and protect it ( This is helpful for the Galapagos penguins because it keeps the environment clean and healthy for the Galapagos penguins. One last way to help the Galapagos is to reduce energy use because it affects the climate. If we all work together we can help the Galapagos penguins to not become extinct.