Chimps & Their Home

The picture below shows a chimpanzee using a twig to fish out termites and eating them

Our very very distant relatives, chimpanzees, are very social animals that are a part of the great apes family and they live mostly in the rainforest. According to, the average weight of a chimp is 70 to 130 pounds and they are 3 to 5.5 feet tall. Believe it or not, they share around 98% of their genes with us and even know how to use tools! The website, says, “Jane observed David and other chimps actually picking leafy twigs then stripping the leaves so that the twig was a suitable tool.” These chimpanzees used a stick that they made and then fished termites out of a mound with this tool. When Louis Leaky, a man who found out that humans were a lot older than we thought, said, “Now we must redefine tool, redefine Man, or accept chimpanzees as humans.” These chimps also help the environment by spreading seeds via pooping them out and we can also use them to uncover how we survived in prehistoric times.

The picture below shows a very nice rainforest

Chimps mainly live in moist, tropical areas like a rainforest in the treetops. Rainforests along with chimpanzees, help the environment. They can regulate CO2 levels, they produce a lot of this planet’s oxygen, and they contain a huge amount of biodiversity. The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon Rainforest in South Africa by far. According to, it spans over 2.3 million square miles! The climate is humid, warm and it rains a lot hence the name, rainforest. They are home to many different species of plants and animals like sloths, tigers, lions, snakes, and of course, chimpanzees. A research at says that rainforests can be found on every single continent except for antarctica. The rainforest has 4 layers: The floor, the understory, the canopy and the emergent layer. The canopy and the emergent layer is home to mainly birds and bats but some mammals can live there too. In the understory, plants have to have big leaves to soak up the very little sunlight. On the floor, Barely any light makes it there. It is the darkest layer of the rainforest and it is very hard for plants to grow there.