About the Situation

The image above shows a rainforest that was cut down for wood

Though the rainforest is very helpful to us in many ways, it is still being threatened in many ways. One threat to this biome is deforestation, in which trees are destroyed to make way for housing, or to gain resources from the trees. Either way, deforestation is not good for the rainforest nor is it good for the environment. According to ypte.org.uk, other ways rainforests are threatened are plantations, population growth, increased demand, mining, climate change, and power sources. The biggest threat is most likely palm oil plantations. (ypte.org.uk) Burning the rainforest also pollutes the air. Not only does it delete the potential of all of those trees turning carbon dioxide into oxygen, it also releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (ypte.org.uk) If this keeps happening, then the rainforests might actually disappear leaving us with a whole lot of CO2 and many lost species

Going back to the chimpanzees, they are also threatened by many things. They are endangered because of habitat loss, sickness, and illegal poaching. (worldwildlife.org) According to wcs.org, “The main threats to chimpanzees are habitat loss, disease, and hunting, especially for bushmeat. These are exacerbated by chimps' slow reproductive rate—if an adult is killed, it takes `14-15 years to replace him or her as a breeding individual.” Some people hunt chimpanzees illegally for their meat. I know, it’s horrible. Chimpanzees can also catch human viruses like ebola and others. (understandinganimalresearch.org.uk) Lastly, habitat loss is probably the thing that harms chimps the most. We already know that the rainforests are being significantly damaged by us and therefore, chimpanzees are being harmed too. This is the equivalent of a giant coming into your home and destroying everything they see. The possibilities of the chimpanzees teaching us of our history being lost if they become extinct is also a factor of why we should try to protect them.

The image above shows a chimpanzee injured from poachers