Food Chains


Banana Tree - Musa Sapientum

Banana trees thrive in hot tropical climates, they are found in South America, Southeast Asia, northern Australia, and India according to the Rainforest Alliance. In this tropical environment they are susceptible to diseases, pests, and inclement weather, due to this they have roots that dig deep into the soil. They grow up to 25 feet tall and produce fruits and natural rubber. Tapirs, monkeys, macaws, and grasshoppers are among the secondary consumers that eat this producer. This image was provided by the PSLBG (Friends of the Port St Lucie Botanical Gardens).

Primary Consumer

Capybara - Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris

Capybaras are large rodents with webbed feet and these animals are about 4 feet long and 2 feet tall. According to the Rainforest Alliance, Capybaras prefer densely forested habitats that are close to the water. They are herbivores who devour aquatic plants and vegetation that line water sources. They eat their own feces to ingest helpful bacteria and aid in fiber breakdown. This image was provided by the San Diego Zoo.

Secondary Consumer

Black Caiman - Caimaninae

According to Amazonaid, Black caimans can be found in many tropical rainforest biomes, specifically on the coasts of streams and riverbanks. Their preferred habitats include lakes, wetlands, and habitats with dense vegetation. As they have a wide range of diets, they can eat organisms ranging from snails and fish to large mammals. From 1940 to 1970, they were susceptible to poaching which led to their decline in population. This picture was provided by the Amazon Aid Foundation.

Food Chain Graphic