Maps of Global Tropical Rainforests

What is a Tropical Rainforest

According to the World Wildlife Fund, tropical rainforests are "tropical moist broadleaf forests," or forests that are often close to the equator, get considerable rainfall, consist of trees with wide flat leaves, and have humid air. The maps displayed are based on the World Wildlife Fund's classification of biomes and mapped using the 8kBAM Robinson base map by DinoSpain and GNU Image Manipulation Program.

World Map of Tropical Rainforests

Here is a map of the tropical rainforests present on earth. Almost every tropical rainforest is present at the earth's latitudinal center or equator due to the amount of sunlight received in these areas.

Central and South America

Central and South America is home to tropical rainforests stretching from southern Mexico and the Caribbean to southern Brazil. The largest rainforest in the world is located here, the Amazon rainforest, the most biodiverse place on earth.

Subsaharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has tropical rainforests straddling the coasts of Guinea and Nigeria, as well as along the east coast. The largest rainforest in Africa is the Congo Rainforest, fed by the Congo river. The island of Madagascar also has a large rainforest, taking up the majority of the island.

Southeast Asia and Oceania

Southeast Asia and Oceania are dominated by tropical moist broadleaf forests, ranging from the rainforests of the pacific islands, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia, to the rainforests of South China and Myanmar, to the Brahmaputra and Ganges river basins in India and Bangladesh.