Why They Are Important

What makes my region special is that it helps climate change. (www.worldwildlife.org/)

Also according to https://www.britannica.com/, “It contains 8 percent of the surface of the planet and 15 percent of the land area.” Also, it is needed because the arctic ice is something that lots of animals need to live and if they don't have that then they might die and well that's not good. (https://www.nationalgeographic.org/society/) These are just some reasons why the arctic region is important and why we should try our best to protect it.

Polar bears are a very important species to our community. Polar bears are at the top of the food chain and if we didn't have them, the food chain would go very wrong because if the food chain is missing even one part it affects everything. (https://www.worldwildlife.org/) According to https://www.greenpeace.org/global/, “Polar bears are keystone species and are known as the apex of the ecosystem. They keep populations in balance and are a sign of health to the ecosystem.” Also according to https://prezi.com/, “If polar bears were to go extinct then the population of many other animals would go down like walruses, seals, whales, reindeer, rodents, and birds would all start dying.” Without polar bears all these bad things would happen and many more. This is why we should try our hardest to protect these amazing creatures.