How To Help

There are many ways that we can help the arctic and polar bears. We can donate to because this website is a good place to donate to polar bears because you don't need to do anything. All you need to do is want to help them, click a few buttons, and then you're done! We can also help by not causing pollution by not taking too long showers, riding bikes more than using cars, and more these will all help us use less energy for global warming. ( We can also help global warming by trying to grow our own vegetables so they don't need to get transferred from another faraway place. ( we can all help the arctic and the polar bears not just with money. If we all chip in just a little bit maybe it would just be riding your bike to places that are close to you instead of driving and this will help because it is using less energy which will help global warming which would help the arctic and the polar bears, all of these small things barely do anything to us but can help global warming which will help the arctic and the polar bears. If we all work together then we can save the arctic and the polar bears so we should start doing that now.