
Did you know that Narwhals don’t have a horn? It’s actually an overgrown tooth. ( The Narwhal can grow up to lengths of 17 ft. not including their tusk. Narwhals resemble a whale-like creature, yet they are the size of a dolphin, and have a tusk that looks like a horn. The Narwhal is an aquatic creature, and therefore its diet consists of gonatus squid, shrimp, arctic cod, and halibut. My favorite thing about Narwhals is their giant tusk, according to,” The spiraled tusk juts from the head … can grow as long as 10 feet.”

Isn’t it amazing that Narwhals change color as they age? ( you know that narwhals supposedly live in the Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia? ( Narwhals usually live in groups called pods, a Narwhal pod can vary but is most commonly in groups of 10-20, but when they migrate it’s a whole different story. When Narwhals migrate they are in groups of hundreds or even thousands. ( Did you know that when Narwhals are just babies they are called calves, calves stay with their mother for around 20 months which is the same as 1 year & 8 months. Another interesting fact about Narwhals is that they hit fish with their tusk to stun them when hunting for food.

Did you know that Narwhals are considered least concern, this means they are currently stable in the wild, and it is not likely they will go extinct soon but if we carry on as we currently do that isn’t guaranteed. There are somewhere around 80,000 Narwhals free wild narwhals.( Did you know that people are hunting Narwhals for their thick skin, and their tusks? This is a threat to the Narwhal population and so is pollution. Pollution is when trash ends up where it doesn’t belong, like in oceans. If the Narwhals died out the ocean ecosystem would fall apart, the Narwhal’s prey would overpopulate, and its predators wouldn't have enough food to eat, and they would all die out, and walruses would overpopulate, ETC. this is very confusing in my opinion, but it disappoints me to say that humans are driving other species to extinction, which is happening to other environments and ecosystems. How would you feel if your species was killing the creatures you adore and the species you admire?

 Thankfully, the International Maritime Organization is already trying to help by working with other nations to address the shipping emissions, and how they are affecting the Arctic. (Ocean Conservancy: Home) It says here in, it says you can adopt animals that are going into extinction like polar bears, walruses, arctic foxes, caribou, and the Arctic peregrine falcon. This is very helpful because it takes these animals away from places where they will be poached, and takes them to places where they are safe such as sanctuaries, and zoos. If you want to support “World Wildlife Fund” select the link below, but if you don’t want to donate that is fine as well. How you feel if I told you there is a way you can help and it isn’t just donating to an organization, you can help by picking up trash that people have littered on the ground, or you can try turning off devices and electronics when you're not using them, I know this seems like a hassle and it’s so simple how can this do anything, well if everybody did it it would greatly affect our planet.

Apparently within the website, has more ways you can help the Arctic Ocean and all the creatures that live there, such as recycling scientists have found pollution in the Arctic waters. You can also help to ride your bike or scooter instead of taking a car or bus, vehicles like cars and buses release carbon into the air which causes climate change, climate change can melt the Icebergs in the ocean, therefore warming the ocean and killing marine life. Energy plays a very important role in Arctic conservation. saving energy can slow or even stop climate change. If we all work together to protect our planet we can protect everything living there including the human race.