Arctic Ocean

By: Risha

Arctic Ocean

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Did you know that the Arctic Ocean is centered approximately on the North Pole? The website,, says that the Arctic Ocean is about 5.427 million square miles. That is just a little less than the size of Russia. The ocean’s temperature is about 29 degrees Fahrenheit. I wouldn’t dive into the Arctic Ocean! This might make you more curious because there is an underwater ridge called the Lomonosov Ridge under the Arctic Ocean. I found this on the website, A surprising fact I found on the website,, was that the Arctic Ocean is the shallowest of the five oceans in the world.

Isn’t it amazing that the largest predators in the Arctic Ocean are walruses, whales,   and polar bears? ( And according to the website,, the most common prey in the Arctic Ocean are ice algae and fish( there are not a lot of fish because they die in the cold water ). “Animals in the Arctic Ocean need white fur, a strong sense of smell, a layer of fat under their skin, and wide and large paws for swimming and walking.” Do you know that the Arctic Ocean benefits you? The Arctic Ocean keeps the climate in balance.( A fun fact from,, is that” the Arctic Ocean’s ice sheet is four times as large as the state of Texas.” Imagine how big that is!

           The Arctic Ocean is very unique because it is the least salty. This is due to low evaporation and high influxes of freshwater from rivers and glaciers. ( The Arctic Ocean is being threatened. I know this because on the website,, I found out that it is being threatened by, “climate change, seasonal sea ice loss, ocean acidification, encroaching industrial activities such as oil and gas development and commercial  shipping fishing.” If the Arctic Ocean is destroyed the natural world will also be affected. Wanna know how? There will be more Arctic warming, erosion of Arctic coastlines, and a disturbance of global weather patterns( You will also be affected if the Arctic Ocean is destroyed. According to,, it says that, “They are covered in white snow and ice that reflect heat into space, they balance out other parts of the world that absorb heat. The Arctic Ocean is home to several million people. If the Arctic Ocean is destroyed it will also affect the people living there.

         Did you know that an organization is already trying to help the Arctic Ocean? International Maritime Organization is working with other nations to address shipping emissions. ( This will make a difference in climate change. After reading this essay do you wanna help? Well, you could help the region by donating. World Wild Life, also known as WWF accepts donations. First, go to the website, then click the "Donate" button at the top. After you can choose how much you want to donate and donate it. WWF will use your donation to help the Arctic Ocean.

(To donate click this link:

The website, has ways that even you could do to help the Arctic Ocean. One way is by recycling, scientists have discovered plastic pollution in the Arctic Ocean. When you recycle you can make sure the plastic doesn’t go into the Arctic Ocean. Another way is by saving energy, saving and protecting energy can stop or slow down climate change. You can save energy by turning off the light when you are not using it, and pulling plugs out when you are done charging. Also, you can use a car less because cars pollute the Earth. When we all work together we can save one of the most beautiful oceans.


World Wild Life:


Discover The World:

Dive & Discover:



National Geographic Education:

The Pew Charitable Trusts:

National Snow and Ice Data Center:

National Geographic Kids:

Arctic Ocean

This is a Google Slides that I Made

Word Art That I Made