The Amazon 

Did you know that the Amazon rainforest has 20% of our fresh drinking water? ( Amazon rainforest is 1.6 billion acres of dense forest!  According to the Amazon rainforest is  located in 7 states, Brazil, Bolivia, Pure, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname. The Amazon rainforest is a lot but it is known to be the Damp place  on land. When people visit the amazon rainforest they usually always wanna go to Kaieteur Falls.The Kaieteur falls is the biggest falls in the Amazon Rainforest and one of the prettiest sites ever in the Amazon. My absolute favorite thing about the Amazon Rainforest is all the amazing sounds of birds, and the wind hitting against the leaves and trees.

                                                              The Jaguar

 Did you know that jaguars are the third largest animals in the world! Jaguars are really cool they can grow up to 5 feet and 7 inches tall. They have black spots, thick and short legs, and round ears(

There are lots of amazing animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest that the jaguar eats like peccaries, capybaras, deer, and a whole lot more. You may think that jaguars are apex animals but anacondas could attack it or even eat it. Jaguars usually live alone and hunt alone in the Amazon Rainforest but they will hunt together during mating season. Young Jaguars stay with their mothers for around 18 months then they have to hunt and live on their own. Did you know that the word jaguar comes from the indigenous word yaguar which means “ he who kills with one leap.” (