Fun Facts Jaguar

did you know that 6 out of 100 jaguars would be black?`

“Pregnancy lasts around 14 weeks, then the female usually gives birth to two jaguar cubs (though she can have up to four” (

Female jaguars can weigh less than 100kg

 Jaguars have a better powerful bite than any other big cat.

 jaguars can bite through tough things like turtle shells because of their sharp teeth. 

According to (  “jaguars need powerful teeth and jaws to take down prey three to four times their weight - usually killing it with a bite to the back of the skull rather than biting the neck or throat like other big cats.” 

did you know that jaguars mark their territory with waste or clawing trees, that might sound cool but that waste part is kind of gross.

Did you know that jaguar's territory is shrinking? and this isn't good because of that there won't be much room for them to live.