How we can help

Picture of Waterfall

There are many way you can protect the rainforest. One way to protect it is to reduce, reuse, and recycle paper. This would help because if you reduce paper then you won’t use as much. So if you don’t use as much then they won’t have to cut as many trees down. Same if you recycle because instead of cutting down tree they can make it into different things. You should reuse because it can be a waste if you only did something small on a piece of paper and there is a whole other side.

Picture of Waterfall

Other things you could do to help the rainforest is by looking around your house like food, clothes, and medicine and think about everything we could lose. This would help you by thinking about the rainforest and how we can help. Another you could help is by having a Bake sale, Garage sale or even a school fundraiser. This would help because you can raise money and give it to a rainforest organization. All of this about the rainforest is important. We should try our best to protect it. What do you think? Will you help?