Teaching Synthetic Biology To All

The Covid-19 situation has undoubtedly impacted our lives, with many events now taking place online. Under these circumstances, we want to provide free educational resources for anyone in the world to access online.

We are the 2021 team of TAS_Taipei, a team that competes annually in iGEM, an international competition that utilizes Synthetic Biology to solve problems in the world. Last year, our team created a rapid Covid-19 test, and this year we are working on modifying different blood types to create the universal donor blood type O to combat the issue of blood incompatibility. We have had so much fun learning about Synthetic Biology, and we want to teach others about the topic so that there can be an even greater number of synthetic biologists in the world!

Our goal of this website is to upload fun activity packets with easy-to-understand instructions and videos that anyone can complete anywhere to learn the basic concepts of Synthetic Biology. Inclusivity is a central focus of this website; our free and downloadable activity packets come in both English and Mandarin Chinese, as does our website - we want to lower the barriers to education and allow everyone to have the resources to learn about the fascinating topic that is Synthetic Biology.

We would love to see you working with our activity packets, so send us a picture of you completing our packets to get a special certificate. Feel free to email us if you have any questions!

- 2021 TAS_Taipei iGEM Team