Extended Blind contour Drawing  

Extended Blind contour Drawing Before adding paint  


The main idea for this artwork was to make a hand and 2 faces without looking at your paper. For this project I used a sheet of drawing paper and pastel and my hand and people's faces. For the drawing of the faces and the hand what I did to make it was stare deeply at something that I wanted to draw and without looking at the paper I attempted to draw it. But only the hand looked something like what I wanted it to look like.

Extended Blind contour Drawing

                        After adding paint 


For the second half of this drawing what I did was I colerd and pantid some abstract ish beautiful opsish thing. For this work what I did was I used the linse that I made when I wasnt looking and filled them in with art and th etoold I used Where water coler paints, regular paint, and pain markers with a little but of colerd pensil. The first thing that I did was I made the lines that I would use and then I used those lines with my imagenation and I Drew out what i wanted and and panted it in and I think that it turned out great.