Foundations of art 

dragon play with string 

In what ways does your work illustrate your strengths and weaknesses as a learner

It shows my strengths are more toward drawing and coloring because my art that's more towards drawing or color my work is better because it is a lot neater and it does not look as rushed. If you look at my painting it looks kind of rushed and not as neat.

How does your work show how you have improved I dont really think my work has improved but I learned better ways to make it better with the cube thing where you draw blocks and you copy the blockers one at a time. 

What was the most challenging project and why I think that the most challenging project was the color design one because you had to put 84 colors on one piece of art which was hard but also you had to mix the colors which also made the project really hard it was also difficult to find the space to put the colors. What project are you most proud of and why I was most proud of my final project because I got to customize one of my old skateboard decks.

What are your artistic goals for the summer/future for the future I hope to get better at customizing thing and has a steady hand the end