Foundations of Art

My thing said to draw my name in fancy letter so I drew this as unique as I could. I made the letter e as a snake because I think snakes are cool.

I drew this eraser because it looks like the real thing. I colored it to look similar and give it more value.

I looked at the dots and thought it looks like space. The black dots could be black holes or dark planets.

I used bubble wrap to create the circles and a piece of paper to create the shape of what I call a blanket/towel. Then I added on from the right side. Also I used watercolor to make it pop out.

I drew my shoe and I tried my best to draw the shoe laces.

I tried my best to draw my hand, I drew my details the best that I could.

I drew the cats face than cut it out and gutted the pumpkin. Then I cut out the eyes to make it look like they glow when a light is in it.

Final Project of Space

Inspired by Don Davis

Devon 18 June, 2019

I had a great first year, and during art I did a lot of amazing things. In Foundations of Art it made me appreciate artists and their work because of how complex it can be at times. I learned that art is not easy and it takes time and patients, also art can be a stressful thing or a stress reliever depending on the person. I find art relaxing when you like what you are doing, also that some ways of making art is fun. For me, I am a hands on person so I like art and this art class, because in school this year this was the only class that I made things by hand and not online. I like both but being able to use tools in real life you get to experience the task. For example I have seen people use fish hooks before but I have never used them or made one.

In Foundations of Art I learned many skills including how to use pliers properly to make fish hooks, I learned how to make a Sgraffito and I used tons of different ways of making art by you teaching me. Like different perspectives of the same thing or the Beautiful Oops way of making art. I found them all interesting and fun to make, each piece of art I made this year was completely different than the rest. No two are alike which makes sense but it shows you art can have many forms of making it. During this year I used at least 15 or more techniques you taught me to use, I also learned new tool names like brier and sgraffito which in italian means to scratch.

Out of all my art works, I would say that the wire sculpture was the hardest one. I think the reason is because you have to have patients for the tiny detail and also you need to be good at making fish hooks to keep it in place. I struggled keeping the fish hook where they needed to be. It was still a fun and cool project to do but it was just harder than the rest of my projects. I think my favorite project was the realistic charcoal project because I was able to draw my cat in charcoal and it looked realistic when it was done. Overall I would say that I improved throughout the year looking at my first few art projects till now I would say its a big improvement. I will keep what I learned with me and I will make more art in the future.