3 views of a shoe




The image to the right is the side angle, I tried to draw it in proportion and draw in some of the details. The middle image is the angle looking down, I tried to draw the shoe laces and a bit of the inside of the shoe to make it look like the right angle. The one to the left is the front view I tried to show depth and the sides of the shoe to make it look like the front of it.

I think out of all three of the images the best one is the side angle because it looks the most accurate and I think it looks way better than the front view. When I did the front view I noticed it looks like the top view. What I should have done was look at it from a lower view than I did while I was working on it.

The top view looks good and I think it was not that hard to draw. The hard part was when I had to draw the shoe laces because they go up and under each other while going through holes so it was difficult to draw correctly. But I got it done and took my time and I think this project went well. The only thing I would change is the front view because of how it looks.