
My question was draw my name with unique letters, so I drew my name and changed each letter to show something different.

I tried to think of what I could do to change the letters, I decided the "D" could be a happy face so I added eyes and made teeth. With the "E" I made it look like a snake because I think snakes are cool. I gave the "E" a snake like texture with circles. I added an eye and tongue to make it look like a snake. For the "V" I made it look like a monster with sharp teeth and gave it an eye. For the "O" its just and eye because at the time I could not think of what to do with it. The "N" I left blank because I could not think of anything.

So now I look at it I could have made the "N" a giraffe or some kind of animal. Also the "O" could have been anything that has a circle in it. Like a tire or a penny. Overall this was fun to make and think of what to do with it. Also seeing other people make their WhatchamaDRAWit's was cool to see the different ones.