Summer Workshops

What are summer workshops?

If selected to join one of our staffs, attending a summer workshop is highly recommended and encouraged. Workshops help prepare you for the coming year by allowing you to sharpen your skills or teach you new ones. Workshops are a must if you plan on taking on a role of Editor in Chief.

Most workshops offer scholarships, so look for those on their websites and pay attention to due dates. I'm happy to write you a recommendation letter if needed.

Recommended Options:

Jayhawk Media Workshop

June 9-12 @ KU

*Mrs. Walker will be an instructor at this workshop!

Media Now Workshop

July 8-11 @ Drake University

*Excellent instructors at this one!

Gloria Shields NSPA Workshop

June 24-27 @ Dallas, Texas

*Known as one of the best in the country!

Heart of America Walsworth Workshop

July 12-14 @ University of Central Missouri

Rocky Mountain Journalism

June 24-27 @ CU Boulder

*I've sent students before and they've LOVED this one.


Tentatively August 1&2 or August 5&6 @ Olathe West

*Required for all yearbook staff members