Physics of Sports

Physics Of Sports Video

To see my video click here

Making The Video

Making the video was fun and relatively easy. The filming went smoothly and only took a couple of takes and the editing, although time consuming, wasn't anything too challenging. We spent the first day recording voice overs, then the next day we recorded the tackle. For the rest of the project we edited.


One thing I believe I did well during this project is compromising for the better of the group. Originally I was supposed to be the one that got tackled, but my group decided that it worked better the other way around so I did the other part instead. During the next project I hope to improve my time management because I spent more time editing than I should have.

Physics Shown in Our Project


Our tackle had an angle of 40 degrees

Force of Impact

Tackled: 4 m/s Tackler:16.7 m/s

Transfer of Momentum

0.5 joules

Vertical Velocity

1.7 m/s

Horizontal Velocity

2.3 m/s

Total Velocity

2.8 m/s