Build a Band

The Assignment

For this assignment, me and three others each had to make an instrument to demonstrate our knowledge of sound waves. We have been learning about sound waves for the past couple of weeks, aswell as learning about the electromagnetic spectrum. We had to use our knowledge of the relationship between notes and wavelength, forced vibration, and construction to create one of three types of instruments (wind, string, chimes). 


Copy of Musical Instrument




This project was very fun and I enjoyed researching sound waves and how they work. This project challenged my building skills, and I struggled a bit with tying my strings. Overall, I think my instrument turned out very nice, with the exception of the strings. This project also challenged my blueprinting skills. I only measured my blueprint against one string, and I did not realize that the other strings were dramatically shorter. This meant I had to drill a few screws into the soundboard. To distract from this, I carved some designs into the wood. Throughout the project, I demonstrated good collaboration. I helped my groupmates build when I could, aswell as other people from different groups. Next time, I could improve my critical thinking so I don't end up with strings that are too short. I am proud of the work I put into this project and I had a lot of fun building and learning about different instruments.