Stoichiometry Project

For this project we were assigned with the task of designing a device that used the reaction of the two chemical compounds, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and acidic acid (vinegar) to "save a life" and to use stoichiometry to calculate how we would use them in our device. While the idea of designing a device to save an actual life was very lenient, our group came up with the idea of creating a protective phone case that had tiny bags on each corner that would expand just in time to save the phone from being damaged during a fall from dropping ones phone. There would be a pocket of vinegar embedded on the back of the phone that would squirt vinegar into the four bags of baking soda on each corner of the case. We would then design an app that was linked to the phone case which would automatically calculate the timing of the fall based on the different masses that different types of phones would have, so their "air bags" would deploy in time to protect the phone. In order to make the thought process of our ideas more clear, we then drew a model of our idea and calculated the best possible ratio of baking soda to vinegar to get the fastest/ biggest reaction from the mixture. The process we went through to find this was to run multiple tests until we came across the most effective ratio of the two chemical compounds. Once we had found the perfect ratio of baking soda to vinegar we then calculated the exact amount of baking soda and vinegar based on the size of the bags planned to be used in the phone case.

Stoichiometry and Life-Saving Devices Project

This is our presentation explaining our thought process and plan for the device (slide 3), the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of sodium bicarbonate and acidic acid (slide 4), our data of the experiments tested (slides 5-7), and the stoichiometry done to calculate our final production of the device(slides 9-10).

Major concepts

Periodic table - The "all mighty" table of elements that displayed the atomic mass that was needed in order to complete the stoichiometry calculations

Stoichiometry - the calculation of reactants and products in chemical reactions. We used this to accurately find the correct amount of baking soda and vinegar needed to make our product affective

Balanced Equation - an equation displaying the reaction between different chemical compounds and the outcome of the reaction (a chemical reaction on paper). This was used to display the reaction of baking soda and vinegar while also being a key component to the stoichiometry calculations

Limiting reactant - the reactant that limits the outcome of the chemical reaction. This was necessary for us to know in order to make consistent experiments when we were in the testing stage of the project. If we know the limiting reactant, we are able to properly adjust it to find the reaction we are looking for.

Although this is our chemistry class, there is more to it than just science. During our project it was necessary for us to use a significant amount of math which was an essential element of learning we received from another class. Because we were taught math (algebra in specific) we were able to learn stoichiometry at a much easier rate than if we had not been taught algebra.


This was our first project in STEM chemistry and I was surprised at how fast it went by. In this project I feel that I really bonded with my team members which made collaboration an easy thing to conquer. This is one of the things I feel that I excelled at for this particular project. My group and I were really able to share our ideas and work as a team in the most efficient way possible. While also being strong at collaborating with my group members, I also felt that I was able to encourage some of the more shy members in my group. While it may have made them uncomfortable at first, I called them out to ask if they had any ideas or additions to our existing ideas. By the end of our project the shyest member of our group ended up being the most talkative! However, while there is always something one can do right, they is always something they can do wrong.

In this project I had trouble organizing my work in a way that I could effectively execute the task at hand. The main reason for this is the fact that this project was done virtually and I am simply just less organized at home rather than at school. One way to help this situation for our next project would be to buy folders to neatly and efficiently organize all of my work. Another mental block that I was facing during this project was my ability to stay focused. An example of this would be when I had the task of testing and recording the different reactions between the baking soda and vinegar. During my attempts to complete the tests, I faced the issue of finding everything else around me more interesting than what was right in front of me. I am not sure how to conquer this flaw in my cognitive abilities but I feel that with enough experience and some help from my peers that I will be able to achieve my goal of staying focused and on task for the greater good of the next group I am with.