Build a Band

Describe Your Instruments

Pan Flute




Our Project
For this project we learned about many things before we could make the instruments. We learned about how the waves work and all the parts of them. We learned about frequency, resonance, and more. First we started learning how light waves work (transverse waves) where we learned about wavelength, amplitude, etc. Then we spent a few weeks designing our project, building it, and making finishing touches to create 3 or 4 instruments that worked. Finally we made a document explaining how each of the instruments worked. We first had to blueprint the instruments. At the very start we decided to all made our own instrument which consisted of a pan flute, a xylophone, a ukulele, and a harp. All the instruments could play a full octave all worked.

For this project we all decided to work on our own instrument and then help out making the harder instruments when we were done with our own. At the very start of the project when I was blueprinting the pan flute I thought of what we could make the tubes out of and decided on PVC pipes because we had a lot of them and they were easy to cut. Then I looked on the website and saw which lengths to cut the pipes. The shorter pipes do the higher notes and the longer pipes do the lower notes. We cut them based on the wavelength of the notes and then put quarters on the bottom so the air couldn't escape.

Then I was done and my team was working on their own instruments but needed a base for the xylophone so I had to think of a way to make the blocks stay up. I began with a long wooden board and then attached some small wooden pieces on the sides. My plan was to attach a tight wire between them that the blocks could rest on. I tied the wire to screws so I could make it very tight very easily just by using a screw driver. Then the rest of my group finished their instruments and we started on the written part.


Frequency: Wavelength: Wave Speed:

The number of vibrations(waves) Distance of one wave from crest How fast the wave

per second. Every material has a to crest(compression to compression). travels(velocity).

different natural frequency which Wavelength is indirectly proportional to Wave speed is equal

changes the sound. The higher the frequency so when it is increased frequency to wavelength times

frequency the higher the note is. is decreased. frequency so it is directly proportional to both.

Amplitude: Transverse Wave: Longitudinal Wave:

Distance from midpoint to max of wave(height). Particles move perpendicular to Particles compress and

The amplitude of a wave controls the volume of the direction of wave/energy motion rarefy as the wave/energy

sound. The amplitude squared is directly proportional (ocean waves). Examples are light moves along(parallel to

to the intensity of the wave. and waves in the electromagnetic particle motion). They

spectrum. They do not need a medium need a medium and some to travel through. examples are sound.

Electromagnetic Spectrum: Cell-Phones Cause Cancer:

The electromagnetic spectrum is There has been research that some waves

a series of transverse waves based from the electromagnetic spectrum that

on wavelength. They range from the have been thought to cause cancer. Here

biggest wavelengths and lowest is a google doc on this research:

frequencies to the lowest wavelengths

and highest frequencies. The types of

waves are radio, microwaves, infrared,

visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma


Marc Clemenceau - Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Part 2


For this project I feel that I did not do the best at all. I did not work with my team that much because I did not know a lot of them and for a large portion I just hung out and helped my friend instead of my group. I did not that well on collaboration and I did not do that well for compassion. I should have collaborated with my team more and should have been nicer with them. I did do well for work ethic though because I made my instrument and the base of another one. I also did well with my time and organized it well. I helped lots of other groups with their wind pipes and helped them stay working and not to be lazy. I definitely did the worst for collaboration for this project but I will improve and eventually get better.