Capstone Design Step 3


To continue with the making of our Capstone project, we had some big decisions to make. In order to make sure we had the best version of our idea, we brainstormed many different ways to go about our final design. We did some market research to determine what would best work for our group Once we had our idea set, we created our consumer demands and wishes list.

Demands and Wishes 

Team Evo - Design Step 1

Market Research

Product Analysis

Editable Classification Scheme

Different Versions of SHU


As of recently, the project has been going smoothly. We have bought just about everything we need, and after soldering our pipes with our mentor we are ready to begin the large test runs. Our group has been working together great, not having many issues there. We have been communicating whenever we aren't in the classroom, trying to make the most of all of our time. What I have found that is very helpful is having a group chat with everyone in the group. This way we all have an easy way to communicate with each other that we know will be received by everyone. We have planned meetings with our mentors, decided what we are doing the following days, and just talked about our project and how we can improve it.