Solve a World Problem

For my groups Solve A World Problem we chose the problem: Mental Illness

There are not many ways you can "solve" mental illness so my group first thought of ways to help with mental illness and one of our first solutions was making a support website. Some of our alternate solutions included increasing awareness with funding, reduce stress by making better working conditions, and make support more available in school and work.

For our solution we chose to make a website that has symptoms listed so people can determine whether they have a mental illness and help for how to get treated and what to do once you get diagnosed. We also created a slideshow for the project a document for all the information we gathered, sources for the information we gathered, and a form in which we could get data on mental illnesses in our school district.

World Problems | Mental Illness | Sources
world problems - mental health

Reflection: This project for the most part was smooth sailing, everyone was pulling their weight in the group and they all produced great work, so I think our teamwork was really good. I think another thing that was good was that everybody agreed on the topic making it an easy decision. One difficulty our group experienced was thinking of a solution to mental health because you can't really just make a magic pill that cures it you can only treat it. Something that I think I could have done better was to go above and beyond because in this project I just did My work and then I took a break when I could have added even more than was asked of me.