Fitness Log Project

This project's assignment was to keep track of exercise using a fitness log, it was where we would list all the exercises that we would do ever day, keep track of how long the exercises were, how long the rest periods between were, the measurements to show improvement, your morning workout routine, and your workout calendar.

I started the project in a new notebook, The first thing I wrote in it was my resting heart rate, my maximum heart rate, and my target heart rate using the Karvonen formula, this helped me in my journey because it told me if I was working the proper amount. Next I wrote in my S.M.A.R.T goal which stands for S, specific/ M, measurable/ A, achievable/R, realistic/and T, time bound, my smart goal was: I want to be able to do 30 push-ups in one set by the end of march by doing upper body exercises. I will measure my progress with the diameter of my bicep and triceps. This relates to my life because I want to get stronger.

The cardio run data was inspiring to my progress because I can see my visible improvement in the speed and times that I'm getting. we Learned about the overload principal, The way it works is that every time you increase the intensity and duration over time so you can see your improvement, with the overload principal you can create periods, these periods can be organized into 3 categories 1. macrocycle: entire year training 2. microcycle: the actual training week within the mesocycle 3.mesocycle: 3-6 week training periods within the macrocycle, this helped me create a calendar for my fitness log. another thing we learned was the FITT principles, it is an acronym which stands for F, frequency/ I, intensity/T, time/T,type it is to help you understand how long and hard you're working this helped me find out how long and how hard my workouts should be.

We also learned about health components which consist of: Muscle strength, Muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and body composition, this showed me what each of these principals meant and helped me know what I was doing in my fitness log.

I feel like the project went well and that I did the work that I needed to, I think that it was good because I benefited from this as well because I became stronger and learned how to properly exercise. two things that I wish I could have done more of was the precise workouts because a lot of the time I had was the track and field time which I did every day for 2 hours, I wish that I would have listed it more precisely than just track and field.