Pe semester 2

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In PE we started our own personal Fitness Logs. We created a fitness goal that we felt we were able to achieve over a few months. We would track and record our progress while logging our daily activities into our journals. My personal goal was to get defined abs and a stronger abdominal.

This was all started with a SMART goal. SMART goal stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. My SMART goal was listed as more defined abs. I'm tracking my daily workouts/sports practices, water intake, sleep tracker, and my feelings/emotions. This is to see how I'm improving everyday and how I can work on drinking more water and sleeping more.

My health goal falls under that category of muscular strength. Abs form an important component of the core along with the muscles of the back and pelvis. Along with my target heart rate, which is the target area you want your heart rate at when working out, is 165-186 bpm. This helped me in my workouts by knowing if I'm pushing myself enough or even too hard. I can stay on top of my workouts and watch my improvements. My favorite part of my log is my sleep tracker because I feel it's the most efficient. Being able to see how many hours I get and then being able to asses my sleep for the prior night.

This is my cardio run log. Every week once we do our run we log the distance in meters and then we log our times and heart rate. We get to see our improvements on time and pace and how much faster we can improve by the end of the year. Being able to see my improvements through every run makes me motivated to do better each time and help me improve.


The major content/concepts of this project is to pick a goal and reach it. I track my workouts, sleep, water intake, emotions, miles, and more. This is to improve my health wellness as an individual and become my better self. Everyday while either running, walking, or jogging I can track my miles. Then I do my exercises and work to achieve my goal. My fitness log really helped me work at my goal because going home to that book everyday makes me motivated to work at it.

  • SMART GOAL- This is a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Making this goal allows you to work at the best of your abilities while still being able to actually meet that goal. Its not something to hard and no realistic yet not something were its too easy and doesn't fit your personal work style. A SMART goal includes daily workouts, dieting, water intake, sleep schedule, and even daily reflections on your own emotions. I used this in my project by having my SMART goal as more defined abs and a stronger abdominal.

  • OVERLOAD PRINCIPLE- The overload principle is increasing the intensity, duration, type, or time in a work out in order to see your personal growth. These growths can be seen in your endurance, muscle size, and strength. This is shown as one of the seven laws in fitness and can help improve in many areas of fitness. I used this by in my workouts after each set increasing either the time of the plank or the amount of reps I would do.

  • PERIODIZATION- Periodization is the specific organizing and planning for training cycles. This mainly means when working out to overload the body with different variants of workouts. It could be lifting weights then to running then to squats. I showed this when doing my plank and the going straight into weighted squats.

  • FITT PRINCIPLE- This stands for frequency, intensity, time and type. This makes your workouts run safely and smoothly by not over doing certain workouts. This is a way for your body to see progression and still use high intensity while still taking care of your overall body's well being. This was used in my project when I would time my runs and know when to stop and when to keep pushing myself.

  • HEART RATE (resting HR, Target heart rate or THRR)- Your resting heart rate is how hard your heart works when at rest. This means you can be sitting down in class and for example if my heart rate was 140, then that's my resting heart rate. Your target heart rate or (THRR) is your goal heart rate you want to reach when working out. When doing your training and your working hard you want your heart to get a certain amount of beats per minute to see how hard your working. For example if my THRR was 170-190 then when working out I want to make sure my heart is beating somewhere in that range of beats.

  • RESISTANCE TRAINING- Resting training is used when not wanting to sue weights so instead you use resistance bands. This allows you to build muscle through your body weight. This can also be a huge plus to people who are trying to start off and work on form before heading straight into heavy weights. For my leg raises I would have a band around my lower cafe and use to give me resistance on the raises.

  • BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES- Body weight exercises are exercises that don't use any weights or bands, these are things like push ups and sit ups. These are ways of using your body weight against you. I had mainly used this in my workouts because I was mainly focusing on my abdominal which needed less weights and bands.

  • HEALTH COMPONENTS- There are 5 total health components, this includes of Muscle strength, Muscle endurance, Cardiovascular endurance, Flexibility, and Body composition. For my fitness log I used mainly cardiovascular strength. I used this with helping my upper and lower body to receiving a stronger abdominal. I would do workouts like sit ups, planks, leg raises, and more.


Things I did Well In

I feel over this course of the project I did well with conscientious learning and my collaborator. With the conscientious learner I felt as I did a great job at setting goals. I picked a SMART goal to work on and really worked hard. I stuck with my workouts and never gave up. I embraced each challenge with a positive and growth mindset which really helped me become successful during this project. Also, with my collaborating skills I feel as if I took great ownership in my work and maintained my workouts. I found the time to get everything done and on time while still having an empathetic and positive point of view.

Things I can Improve On

All though I feel my project was great and ran smoothly their is always things I can work to improve on. Those things I felt were my communicator skills and critical thinking. With my communicator I could have stepped up more and ask supporting questions and use my evidence to come to better conclusions. Then with critical thinking I should recognize my patterns and problems with my previous workouts that have been logged. Got more of an idea on what worked, what made me feel better after, which made me see the biggest improvements.