Robot Art Show

Our Circuit

Copy of int speakerPin = 7;

Code for Circuit


Our circuit went through a variety of changes before we finally decided what we wanted it to do. First we had to complete the packet full of practice. This took us a few days because we really wanted to make sure that we understood the material before we created our circuit. Then, we made a design digitally that played "Happy Birthday" while flashing a singular red light. Then we made a physical copy of this (the image is seen to the left). We felt this was too basic and didn't fully represent our understanding of the material. We kept on adding lights until each note of the song had a light linked to it. Eventually, an LCD board that says "Hello, World!" This was our final product in the end. Happy Birthday played clearly but unfortunately, the lights were very dim. 

Circuits, Electronics Experiments, and Programming

Before we created our circuit, we had to learn how to set up circuits (as previously mentioned). These electronic experiments were done digitally. We would set up the circuit and record the code that was provided into our packets. Each one of the 16 circuits had a different component that was the main focus. This was an important step in this project in order to ensure our success. 



This project was different from the rest. It took me a while to fully comprehend the material. Completing the packet took the most amount of time due to us having to make the circuit and then search for the code. Overall I think this project taught me the most when it comes to learning something new. It challenged me as well as grew my understanding.