Solve a World problem 

Copy of Dirty Laundry Slides
Copy of Dirty Laundry Slides

Some websites we used for our information-

Looking at these websites our main objective was to look how and what diseases effected the body from these dirty clothes. We wanted to design a machine where it gets explicitly to destroy the molecules of diseases. Our machine was to get more people to start using machines the hand washing which doesn't always get all the dirty molecules on the clothes. We wanted to spread our double washing machine to increase better clothing washers to help these people.

We wanted target people who hand wash clothes trying to help them, get a washer that can clean clothes drying and cleaning at the same time, while not targeting making the clothes smell good but targeting getting the diseases off of the clothes. We wanted to design a machine where the clothes from a washer goes directly into the dryer without it being needed to be touched.