Step 1

In the first step of our Capstone Project, we were tasked with building the foundations of our project. We started off with finding group members and mentors who would aid us in our project and give us ideas/advice. In part two of the capstone we will be identifying and defining the problem. Conducted market research and brainstormed potential solutions. We decided to make a hoverboard conversion kit that allows our customers to turn their existing hoverboard into a gokart.

Copy of Market Research Presentation

I think my group and I did good even though our group struggled a little bit with communication. One area were I believe I excelled in this project has been critical thinking and finding ways to bring my team members ideas into one good idea. Our project started off with trying to construct a small motor vehicle and morphed into a conversion kit that has a bigger market. We also could've keep more up to date on our gant chart and maybe that would've solved some of the communication issues. I think moving forward we will focus on improving communication and keeping our gant chart up to date.