Settling Down

Ti and her neighbor Michael on her 11'th birthday cutting her first birthday cake

Moving to Rhode Island

"We met with another woman in the refugee camp ... she was relocated to a town called Woonsocket, Rhode Island. After we moved from Minnesota, we got in contact with her and moved to Woonsocket because she was there." - Ti Liu

"There were a lot of Cambodians and Laosians, a way larger Southeastern Asian immigrant community ... there was better factory jobs too." - Ti Liu

"We loved the other families when we first arrived, the refugee community was really nice and refreshing for us. We were just looking for something similar to our backgrounds, that's how the early Asians were able to find work and live in real communities, have our food and access to Asian markets and support. " - Ti Liu

Settling Down in Central Falls

"Eventually my mother couldn't work in the factories anymore, but she got a job for Hasbro (the toy company), and we moved to their headquarters for her work." - Ti Liu

"There was a large Hispanic immigrant community there, better living conditions and job opportunities for my mother as well."   - Ti Liu

"It was me and a half-polish half-Vietnamese girl, we were the only two Asians in our school... but we really got along well with everyone though, we were almost all immigrants, there was a real community with the Portuguese and Spanish immigrants."  - Ti Liu

"Most of us ended up in local community colleges, but I always wanted more, I always wanted to go to Brown and BU, but there was always this ceiling I could never cross."  - Ti Liu

College for a Refugee

"I started learning English in the fourth grade, so I felt behind in that regard but was way ahead of the rest of my class in everything else, it was kind of weird." - Ti Liu

"I got straight A's, was the top 5% of my class, but then college was really hard for me mainly because the school I went to was mostly immigrants, and I felt that they didn't do a good job preparing us for college, they had low expectations for us. I didn't know about any SAT prep courses or anything, they told us it was just a test we had to take to go to college." - Ti Liu

"My principal had to loan me money so I could apply to colleges, that's where our situation was. I got into the colleges like BU, but financially I couldn't go because we didn't get full rides, and minorities like us didn't take out loans ever, we were very financially conservative, we had to make do with what we got."   - Ti Liu

Ultimately i had to go to a local university with a very low minority that did give me a full scholarship, so I didn't get to go to BU until I went for my graduate degree."  - Ti Liu

Moving to Massachusetts

"I started working for Fidelity in the World Trade Center in Boston around 2000, so I commuted there and back for a while after I graduated from college."    - Ti Liu

"After I met my husband and got married, I moved here and have stayed here ever since." - Ti Liu