Life as a Refuge In America

Coming with Nothing

"Just my mother and I came to the States, we were sponsored through a church because my family here didn't know where we were while we were in Vietnam, if we were even alive." - Ti Liu

Working as a Refugee

"The working conditions were really hard for my mother, she wasn't able to be paid a lot. The conditions were really hot and humid even though we were coming from Vietnam." - Ti Liu

Finding Community

"We ended up in Tennessee with a bunch of other church people who had come earlier with similar situations. They were able to help us out a bunch early on." - Ti Liu

Moving Across the Nation

"Then we took off and moved to Minnesota because we had some connections there. It was so cold (coming from Vietnam), and just a really weird area overall, we were the only Asian family in the entire neighborhood." - Ti Liu

"My mother still had to take the bus to work, the work was okay, better than Tennessee, but it was just so cold and bitter there."  - Ti Liu