Life in Syria

Education and Family

Rinaz was born and raised in Aleppo, Syria to two Kurdish parents. Her father owned a textile company which allowed for their family to build a good amount of wealth and live in a rich neighborhood. She attended a Catholic private school where she learned English. Rinaz then went on to university where she studied English Literature.

Interests and Social Life

Rinaz lived a fun life in Syria prior to the political hardships of the war. She participated in many sports and activities, including horseback riding, ballet, and tennis. She also went to theaters and clubs and experienced a lively night life growing up.

Civil War Explained

Perspective on Syria

Rinaz loved her life in Syria, and she maintains the vision of Syria she had in her youth, a country with gorgeous winters and mountains, an ancient and beautiful citadel, and a myriad of ethnicities, religions, and races. The civil war in Syria has led to a lot of violence and conflict, but Syria is not just a war or a struggling country. It is important to remember that Syria was once a place of inclusivity, diversity and beauty, and many of those qualities persevere today.